Dr Giles Limond
Dr Kate Konning
Dr Geetha Rangasamy
Dr Edmund Drake-Lee
Nursing Team
Julie Ilugbuhi
Leanne Judd
Sarah Howse
Susan Tingey
Practice Management
Lorraine Pearson
Lyn Darbon
Carol Jozwiak
Kirsten McDermott
Jo Rudge
Alice Walsh
Joanne Bland
Ger Goggins
Andy Parsons
Julia Perkins
Sophie Draper
Dispensary Staff
The Dispensary Team are responsible for dispensing medication prescribed by the doctors. They are also available to deal with dispensing queries and liaise with the doctors regarding any issues arising from your medication.
Joselina O’Riordan
Angela Goldsworthy
Jo Creedon
Sam Ellis
Bev Coady
Barbara Nickels
Kerry Storton
Annette Taylor
Zoe Watts
Attached Staff
Community Midwife
A community midwife from Bedford Hospital runs antenatal clinics at the surgery on a Wednesday afternoon.
We have 2 physiotherapists who run clinics on a Tuesday at the surgery.
Health Visitors
The health visitor specialises in advice on all aspects of child development and behaviour by means of regular child health clinics, screening sessions and home visits. Health visitor contact numbers:
Bedfordshire: 0300 555 0606
Buckinghamshire: 01234 713911
Northamptonshire: 01933 235365
District Nurses
The District Nurses work in partnership with the multi-disciplinary team providing nursing care to housebound patients who may require long or short term intervention. They are specially trained to provide skilled nursing care to patients of all age groups and advice to their home carers. Contact with the district nursing team is via our reception team.